Frequently asked questions

About the Event

What are the opening times?

How can I be up to date with what’s happening at the event and/or any changes?

What is an Anime & Gaming Con

How and where do I sign up for events?

Is there a place to store my luggage/bags?

Do I need ID?

How Do I Queue for My Wristband and get in?


How much are tickets?

What ages are allowed in?

Do you allow Group Bookings for clubs/societies?

What is Early Bird and VIP?

How do I pay for Anime & Gaming Con?

I don't have PayPal, can I pay via other means?

Can I pay for someone else who isn't associated with my account?

I need a refund, how can I get one?

How do I receive and use my ticket?

Lost Tickets?

Getting There

Where is the anime con?

Is there Car Parking Available?


How to collect my Early Bird, VIP or other merchandise?

Rules & Regulations

What are the full Terms & Conditions to my attending Anime and Gaming Con?

I’m cosplaying with a weapon that may be dangerous. Is this okay?